2021/10/25 Tarot Metaverse

As long as you order Someones merchandise and receive the bonus bracelet, there will be a Tarot meta universe cubic crystal, which symbolizes the center of the Tarot meta universe and continues to interact with us in the Tarot universe.
We are here to listen to your thoughts and give you the most suitable direction to think through drawing cards.

Tagore said that life is like a summer flower. What he means is to let life be as brilliant as a summer flower and as quiet as an autumn leaf at the end.
We are going to be happy, so every choice should not be taken lightly. As the fortune will follow the rotation.

Come to the TarotGO website to draw more cards, and you will get a better understanding of each other’s meta-universe!

Little knowledge (wiki):

Metaverse, also known as metaverse , Can be referred to as MVS for short. This term is usually used to describe the concept of the future Internet virtual environment, which forms a perceptible virtual universe in a shared and persistent 3D virtual space. This synthetic environment includes objects, resident users and their interactions, and exists in virtual definitions. In time. Designed to provide long-term login and interaction between users.

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