2021/04/05 Improve multilingual (English and Japanese) free tarot reading results

Thank you for those who speak English and Japanese, like to come to the website to use free tarot reading.
The webmaster has set a goal to improve the divination results in English and Japanese within this week.
I hope that experts in English and Japanese can also give us more feedback!

Because the semantics of Google Translate is a bit uncomfortable after all.
So it will take more time for the webmaster to correct each sentence.
But we will still try our best to express the language of the tarot card to everyone.

So starting from next week, if there is something you think is weird, you can directly send us feedback via the feedback message on the tarot reading results page or mail/LINE/FB!

Thank you!

#塔羅 #免費占卜 #占卜 #Tarot #SOMEONES

Free tarot card divination (fortune, love, work, relationships, financial fortune, single event) Fortune this week Fortune this year How long will you meet someone in love? Are specific people suitable for me? My future development with this person How long will I find a good job? Future development of this job Is it better for me to find another job? Suggestions for interpersonal relationships with specific people Recent financial fortunes Does the current job make money? Is it OK to choose OO? Or will OO succeed? Will i be with him in the future? Are the test results good? Will I be with him again? Should I continue with him? Does he love me? Will I fall in love this year? How is he now? Do I really love him? Did my right person show up? Will they be together? Does he have someone else he likes? What is our level of good friend? Are the results of this interview good? Should I have a love confession tomorrow? Will this investment make money? Free Life Spirit Number Divination Free Life Spirit Number Divination-This year fortune Free Life Spirit Number Divination-Today fortune Free life spirit number love divination-his and my love index Free tarot reading–What does the guardian angel want to tell you Free tarot reading–What the supervisor (teacher) thinks of me Free Love Tarot Reading – Does he have a crush on me? Will I get married in the next year? Is he worth my wait? Pet Horoscope Will I spend Christmas with him? Am I suitable to start a business now? Will I win a lottery recently? Will he act on me? Does he still have anyone in his heart? Will I meet him/her again? I picked the right career yet? Will I have luck with love recently? Will the interpersonal relationship with this person get better? A or B ? How long do I have to wait for him/her ? Free Constellation Divination-LOVE FLOATING BOTTLE FREE ICHING ILLUSTRATED DIVINATION Does he miss me? Is he/she and me suitable as a couple? Should I take the initiative to pursue him/her? Will it make me earn money in the future by choosing this job? What does he/she think about my relationship with him/her now? Dream Divination Does anyone like me now? Does he/she consider me a lover or a friend? Does he/she have other romantic partners?

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